Auteur Topic: Geoengineering op grote schaal/andere middelen, waar zijn ze mee bezig ?  (gelezen 50300 keer)

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Offline Michel

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Re: Geoengineering op grote schaal/andere middelen, waar zijn ze mee bezig ?
« Reactie #30 Gepost op: zaterdag 25 augustus 2012 - 21:04:11 »

Aangezien er nu nog na 20 jaar van geclaimde geoengineering op grote schaal met behulp van lijnvliegtuigen er toch nog altijd twee onderzoekers een ballon gaan gebruiken om de effecten te onderzoeken, denk ik eerder dat je je flink laat vallen.
Aangezien is geen argument...

Een ballon voor chemtrails te verspreiden neemt men eerder voor een test op zeer kleine schaal, dat begrijp je toch.
Men probeert af en toe iets anders uit, wie weet vinden ze iets beters of iets goedkopers whatever, daarom eerst op kleine schaal vooraleer men dat spul op grote schaal gebruikt... Daar - dus een field experiment (zie link) - daar zal niemand iets tegen hebben...

Geo-engineering is inderdaad een mogelijkheid, maar zoals je ook kan lezen staat ze zeker niet op punt - China probeerde ten tijde van de Olympische spelen in Peking de regen bij te sturen en de lucht te zuiveren, en dat is volgens mij nog het best gelukte resultaat - en bijgevolg zijn al die onheilspellende berichten bovenop filmpjes van brave piloten pure fantasie.
Natuurlijk staat ze niet op punt, maar toch experimenteert men al volop.

Dus dat ene filmpje met Italiaanse bron zijn dus contrails  :o:  ???
Deze foto:

Sorry maar ik heb nergens een weerlegging of debunking van dat filmpje gevonden (post 13, KC -10), je kunt ook eens proberen.  ;)

Chemtrails bestaan niet.

Er wordt wel degelijk veel geexperimenteerd met geo-engineering dat er controle op moet komen, dat zijn ze overeengekomen (UN IPCC).
Ik wacht trouwens nog altijd op jouw antwoord, waarom de UN ze "serieuze wetten opstelt" tegen iets dat maar op een klein experimenteel onbeduidende schaal met ongevaarlijke stoffen gebeurd... volgens jou. HALLO Wooter ?

Dus chemtrails bestaan, dat is al zeker. Of het nu uit luchtbalonnen (kleine schaal) komt of van (militaire) vliegtuigen (grote schaal), het blijven chemtrails.

Ook als men de samenstelling van de kerosine veranderd door bepaalde additieven x % te verhogen al blijft het maar in de orde van xx-milligrams, want er is ruime tolerantie bij al die additieven, is dat in feite "chemtrailing", of zijn persistentere uitlaatgassen als normaal geen chemische manipulatie ?  ;D

Een vb van de vele: %-punten gewicht factor x 6
Das Gemisch ist ein Antistatikum und wird als Additiv in Schmiermitteln und Kerosin (Jet A-1) eingesetzt.

Dinonylnaphthylsulfonsäure wird aus Naphthalin hergestellt, das zunächst mit Nonen zu Dinonylnaphthalin alkyliert und darauf folgend zum Endprodukt sulfoniert wird.[1]

Dinonylnaphthylsulfonsäure wird – ebenso wie die beiden Erdalkalimetallsalze Barium- und Calciumdinonylnaphthylsulfonat – vielfältig als Zusatz in Schmiermitteln (wie Schmierfett oder Kühlschmiermitteln), Industrielacken und Rostschutzmitteln eingesetzt. Typischerweise werden dabei Anteile von 0,5 bis zu 3 Gewichtsprozenten zugesetzt.[1]

Bron Chevron :
Bij de additieven met een O weet de afnemer het zelfs niet hoeveel %-additief erin zit, natuurlijk binnen de toleranties/specifications (zie legende)

Ik citeer best alles, lezen zul je het toch niet.  ;D
 "The Not-So Secret Ingredient: Stadis 450″ Stadis 450 : dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt

The not-so-secret ingredient: Stadis 450
(dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt)
Qbit -
DRAFT - 2-2009
The most commonly used commercial turbine jet fuels today are named JET-A, JET-A1, and
JET-B. All of these are kerosene type fuels except JET-B which is a kerosene-naphtha blend
for colder climates [1, 2]. JET-A is used internationally and JET-A1 is available only in the US.
The US military primarily uses its own kerosene jet fuel, JP-8, which is similar to JET-A1 [11,
A number of chemical additives are used in these fuels including corrosion inhibitors,
temperature stabilizers, detergents, and static electricity dissipators. Static dissipators are of
particular importance to atmospheric aerosol and environmental research, due to their metal
content and their widespread use in commercial and military jet fuel [17, 8]. Octel Starreon
Stadis® 450 is a static dissipator, comprised of dinonylnapthalene sulfonic acid and other
organic solvents, and according to the product MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), it
contains two "trade secret" ingredients [18]. Stadis 450 is the only approved anti-static
additive for use in Air Force aviation fuels, including JP-8, JP-5, JET-A1, and JET-B [9].
DuPont, the original manufacturer, reports having divested its production of Stadis 450 in
September of 1994 to Octel Starreon LLC , now a subsidiary of Innospec Fuel Specialties.
Innospec also manufactures another static dissipator additive called Statsafe®. However,
according to Exxon Mobil, Stadis 450 continues to be the static dissipator of choice for
commercial and military aviation [17].
... static dissipator additive is widely used in jet kerosene .... Stadis® 450 is the only
additive currently manufactured for use in aviation turbine fuels approved by the major
turbine and airframe manufacturers.
Although the "trade secret" ingredients are well protected by the manufacturer, a recent study
contracted by the EPA [10] and other sources strongly imply that these ingredients are salts of
barium and/or calcium. The EPA classifies this dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt
as a "HPV" (High Production Volume) chemical, meaning it is "produced or imported into the
United States in quantities of 1 million pounds or more per year [12]." This same study reports
that "Based on the available toxicity results, dinonylnaphthalene sulfonic acid, barium salt
appears to be the most biologically active member of the [dinonylnaphthalene] category [10]."
It is hypothesized that jet exhaust aerosol [4] is responsible for cloud seeding, rainbow
diffraction, and dichroism observed in persistent contrails [5]. While "skeptics" may dismiss
the very existence of persistent contrails, the phenomenon is widespread and commonly
accepted among atmospheric scientists [7]. The exact cause of aerosol cloud seeding has
been the subject of endless debate, but it has been shown conclusively that the earth's
albedo, or its overall reflectivity, is increased by contrail aerosol (see sattelite
imagery category).
In the 3 days after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 during which the FAA grounded all
commercial aircraft in the US, a unique opportunity to study atmospheric aerosol presented
itself. David J. Travis, University of Wisconsin found significant changes in surface
temperature and presented his findings to the American Meteorological Society [6].
There are a number of byproducts of combustion of kerosene jet fuel and its additives,
including water, carbon dioxide, soot, sulfuric and nitrous acid, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and
metal ions [3], although this is by no means a complete list. Carbon monoxide and aromatic
hydrocarbons also result from incomplete combustion.
Aerosol and contrail formation processes in an aircraft plume and wake as a function of plume age and
temperature [4]. (image courtesy GRID-Arendal)
Not surprisingly, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) only makes casual mention
of these metal particles, and fails to provide any information as to their role in atmospheric
aerosol formation.
If one phenomenon gives away the presence of metals in the aerosol, it would be the large
number of high altitude rainbows produced by contrail aerosol. Virtually unheard of prior to
1990, bright rainbows, sometimes referred to as "circumhorizon arcs" or more commonly,
"chembows," can be observed regularly wherever jet aircraft fly.
According to a patent issued to Hughes Aircraft Company for dispersing metallic aerosol into
the stratosphere, particles may stay suspended for up to a year. Hughes Aircraft, a major US
defense contractor [14, 15], has been bought and sold by other defense contractors such as
Boeing and Raytheon in recent years.
Exeprt from United States Patent 5003186:
The particles may be seeded by dispersal from seeding aircraft; one exemplary
technique may be via the jet fuel as suggested by prior work regarding the metallic
particles. Once the tiny particles have been dispersed into the atmosphere, the
particles may remain in suspension for up to one year.
To avoid making qualitative judgments, I will not belabor the point that the horizon has been
consistently gray, anywhere near commercial airports, since at least the early 1990s. But it
would appear that the metal aerosol is indeed being dispersed, and staying suspended. While
corporate media generally claims there can be no further debate about climate change, there
are thousands of respected scientists who dispute the notion that atmospheric CO2 is the
primary cause, and take exception to the idea that human intervention is required to "correct"
it. At least 400 of them have testified to this effect to the US Senate [16].
Critical thinkers must question whether, with such flimsy scientific evidence, controlling the
climate is the true motivation behind this metal aerosol dispersal. A 10 mile thick blanket of
metal aerosol may have other uses to the militaries of the world, particularly in the fields of
surveillance, aircraft and missile guidance, radar ducting, and radio frequency weapons
3. GRID-Arendal in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
F-34), NATO F-35, and JP-8+100 (NATO F-37) [pdf]. U.S. Army. Downloaded from
9. AEF Fuels Management Pocket Guide [pdf]. U.S. Air Force. Downloaded from
10. High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program Test Plan and Data Review,
Dinonylnaphthalene Category [pdf].
13. PermitApplicationReports200808-Marathon_Stadis_450.pdf Source:
14. Hughes Aircraft Company
16. Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007.
17. Exxon Mobil World Jet Fuel Specifications with Avgas Supplement. From:
18. Octel Starreon Stadis 450 MSDS

Officiele bronnen tonen dat duidelijk aan, kritische wetenschappers hebben die chemische stoffen opgevangen en gemeten, en het dus aangetoond.
In places like California and Hawaii, for example, independent researchers, scientists and people in general measured the amounts of heavy metals in their water and soil to reveal the massive poisoning the planet is being subject to through chemtrailing alone. Water and soil samples were submitted for evaluation and the amounts of heavy metals reached tens of thousands of times the normal amounts. All over the United States and Europe, people report the death of thousands of trees and other forms of plant and animal forms, which when analyzed have a common denominator: high concentrations of heavy metals and other chemicals. Surprisingly, most if not all of the areas with the largest number of deaths of animals and plants are far away from industrial centers, which helps reject the idea that their death is a direct result of industrial pollution or human activity. Most of these trees that are dying are located in forests or tropical paradises where the concentration of environmental pollutants is low. In order to confirm that these animals and plants were dying due to the chemicals sprayed over from the sky, analyses were also performed to see if the chemicals in the soil and water corresponded to those found in living animals or plants. Laboratory tests confirmed it.

Researcher Deborah Whitman, who performed her own analysis of dying plants and trees in the city of Solana Beach, California, found that the levels of aluminum were 387 milligrams per kilogram, barium was at 18.4, strontium at 113 and titanium at 15.2.

Along with the load of heavy metals and other chemicals that are sprayed daily by airplanes all over the world, researchers have independently found that other materials contained in the chemtrails are causing people to develop rashes and bruises on their skin. These materials include metallic salts or oxides, engineered biological products and fibers or filaments.The spraying of these materials has changed the the air humans and animals breathe. The air is no longer neutral, a quality that is necessary to support most forms of life. The fibers and filaments are invisible to the human eye, but are easily observed if people use “black lights”. That is how researchers and scientists became aware of their existence. They have called this particles “dry rain”. Scientific evidence shows that in order for the planet to have rainfall, particles of dust and other natural elements in the atmosphere form a nuclei which become unstable and then precipitate in the form of rain. But what happens when someone injects smaller than normal particles into the atmosphere? Those particles never become unstable, and with it they are capable of forming the haze looking man-made clouds that cover the sky after an airplane sprays the chemicals cited above. The smaller the particle, the more stable the water droplet, the lesser rainfall. That is what many call Geo-engineering.

Retired Wildlife Biologist and water specialist Francis Mangels found through laboratory analysis that the levels of Aluminum, Barium and Titanium seen as tolerable in water and soil had been surpassed exponentially. In places where aluminum levels had to be of 0.5 micrograms per liter, Mangels found that pond water had 12,000 micrograms per liter, 24,000 times the normal amounts. Snow drift at Mount Shasta showed levels even greater of 61,000 micrograms per liter, or 122, 200 times the normal level. In a separate analysis, pond water in Bellavista, California, had aluminum levels of 375,000 micrograms per liter. The level of barium reached 3090 micrograms per liter and strontium 345 micrograms per liter. Samples of water and soil taken from below houses presented normal levels of these and other metals.

Maar blijkbaar lees jij anders als ik.
Two Harvard engineers are to spray sun-reflecting chemical particles into the atmosphere to artificially cool the planet, using a balloon flying 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico.

The field experiment in solar geoengineering aims to ultimately create a technology to replicate the observed effects of volcanoes that spew sulphates into the stratosphere, using sulphate aerosols to bounce sunlight back to space and decrease the temperature of the Earth.

Daarbij is Wikipedea heel duidelijk, in alle talen (nederlandse versie spreekt alleen van (meer) zwavel (als normaal in de kerosine zit), ook dat is chemisch, zoals additieven ...).
Aangezien niemand het ook maar verbeterd zal er waarheid in steken of het kan niet weerlegd worden.
Geo-engineering is het bewust ingrijpen in het functioneren van de aarde, tegenwoordig is hierbij veelal het doel klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Het betreft ingrijpende maatregelen die direct effect hebben op grootschalige systemen.

Zwavel de atmosfeer in pompen om de temperatuur op aarde te laten dalen.

en hoe dat het verspreidt wordt of kan worden staat er duidelijk in, ook in alle talen.
En meestal zijn het de militairen die ermee beginnen (geheimhouding is veel beter) daarom dat ontdekt filmpje opYT, die kleine tanker KC-10 van post 13.

Een vliegtuig met reflecterende aerosols om de zonnestraling te reflecteren... en de aarde minder te laten opwarmen.

Solar Radiation Management aims at reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth and include:

■Increasing surface reflectivity - among the techniques are painting infrastructure white and covering deserts with reflective material.

■Increasing the reflectivity of clouds above oceans – there are suggestions that whitening clouds over parts of the ocean could help in cooling the Earth.

■Injecting chemicals into the atmosphere - it has been proposed that certain chemicals could be released into the second major layer of the Earth’s atmosphere to help scatter sunlight back into space.

■Light shields/deflectors - scientists are exploring the use of shields placed in space to reflect or deflect solar radiation.

■Large-scale reforestation – Forests help in cooling the surface in the tropics and sub-tropics while warming the surface in higher latitudes as they are much darker than snow and thus absorb more solar radiation.

While SRM techniques have been proposed as possibly useful in case of an emergency as they are fast acting, to avoid a climate “tipping point”, there are concerns they could create other problems, such as changing precipitation patterns.

Normale klassieke contrails (condensvorming) versterken de cirruswolkenvorming ttz ze waaien uit tot veerachtige cirruswolken
maar die zijn integendeel nefast en doen de aardtemperatuur eerder stijgen, of Wikipedia is (alweer) verkeerd.  ;D
Cirrus clouds are known to raise the temperature of the air beneath them by an average of 10 °C (18 °F).

Dus 1+1 = 2 er moet iets gebeuren aan die vliegtuiguitlaatgassen om die cirruswolken aan te pakken , en dat doet men ook...
edit, met de hele uitleg wat hoe en waarom:
Environmental Research Letters

Modification of cirrus clouds to reduce global warming

David L Mitchell and William Finnegan
Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV 89512-1095, USA
Received 1 April 2009 Accepted 12 August 2009 Published 30 October 2009

Abstract. Greenhouse gases and cirrus clouds regulate outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and cirrus cloud coverage is predicted to be sensitive to the ice fall speed which depends on ice crystal size. The higher the cirrus, the greater their impact is on OLR. Thus by changing ice crystal size in the coldest cirrus, OLR and climate might be modified. Fortunately the coldest cirrus have the highest ice supersaturation due to the dominance of homogeneous freezing nucleation. Seeding such cirrus with very efficient heterogeneous ice nuclei should produce larger ice crystals due to vapor competition effects, thus increasing OLR and surface cooling. Preliminary estimates of this global net cloud forcing are more negative than –2.8 W m–2 and could neutralize the radiative forcing due to a CO2 doubling (3.7 W m–2). A potential delivery mechanism for the seeding material is already in place: the airline industry. Since seeding aerosol residence times in the troposphere are relatively short, the climate might return to its normal state within months after stopping the geoengineering experiment. The main known drawback to this approach is that it would not stop ocean acidification. It does not have many of the drawbacks that stratospheric injection of sulfur species has.
2.2. Delivery mechanism
Since commercial airliners routinely fly in the region where cold cirrus clouds exist, it is hoped that the seeding material could either be (1) dissolved or suspended in their jet fuel and later burned with the fuel to create seeding aerosol, or (2) injected into the hot engine exhaust, which should vaporize the seeding material, allowing it to condense as aerosol in the jet contrail. The objective would not be to seed specific cloud systems but rather to build up a background concentration of aerosol seeding material so that the air masses that cirrus will form in will contain the appropriate amount of seeding material to produce larger ice crystals. Since the residence time of seeding material might be on the order of 1–2 weeks, release rates of seeding material would need to account for this. With the delivery process already existing, this geoengineering approach may be less expensive than other proposed approaches.

2.3. Production of new cirrus

Aircraft (Helten et al 1998, Spichtinger et al 2004) and microwave limb sounder (MLS) satellite measurements (Read et al 2001, Spichtinger et al 2003) show that large portions of the clear-sky upper troposphere are supersaturated with respect to ice. While natural cirrus may or may not form in these regions over time, the global, quasi-uniform distribution and continuous introduction of efficient heterogeneous ice nuclei might produce more cirrus clouds in these regions than would otherwise occur.
... ...]

6. Recapitulation

Recent GCM studies (Sanderson et al 2008, Mitchell et al 2008) suggest that climate sensitivity is very sensitive to upper tropospheric cloud cover and humidity, making cirrus clouds a logical candidate for climate modification efforts. Cirrus clouds also affect OLR more than other cloud types, with their modification directly addressing the radiation imbalance imposed by greenhouse gases. Due to the expected dominance of homogeneous freezing nucleation at temperatures below –40 °C, it may be possible to decrease cirrus cloud coverage by introducing efficient heterogeneous ice nuclei at these temperatures where the cirrus greenhouse effect is strongest. Due to vapor competition effects, this may result in larger ice crystals with higher fall velocities, which should decrease cirrus coverage and increase OLR, thus cooling surface temperatures. While there may be an initial increase in cirrus coverage due to ice supersaturation in clear skies, over time the increase in net downward transport of water substance (due to higher ice fall speeds) should reduce the relative humidity and cirrus coverage of the upper troposphere. Based on one GCM study, it appears that seeding cirrus clouds on a global scale could cool the planet by well more than 2.8 W m–2, perhaps enough to cancel the radiative forcing due to a doubling of CO2 (3.7 W m–2). The distribution of seeding material could be done relatively inexpensively through the airline industry. Seeding along conventional flight corridors should increase OLR preferentially over the northern high latitudes where global warming is most severe. But this may also slightly intensify the global temperature gradients, the jet streams and the frequency and strength of frontal systems. Studies employing a variety of GCMs might be needed to understand the feedbacks involved. On the other hand, this geoengineering option does not have many of the drawbacks that the most studied geoengineering option has, that option being the stratospheric injection of sulfur compounds.

Nog een redelijk recent verwittigingsbericht, wat hebben die gasten toch ? (Wooter zegt toch dat het niet bestaat)  ;):

Scientists warn geoengineering may disrupt rainfall

By Chris Wickham

LONDON | Wed Jun 6, 2012 9:38am EDT

LONDON (Reuters) - Large-scale engineering projects aimed at fighting global warming could radically reduce rainfall in Europe and North America, a team of scientists from four European countries have warned.

Geoengineering projects are controversial, even though they are largely theoretical at this point. They range from mimicking the effects of large volcanic eruptions by releasing sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, to deploying giant mirrors in space to deflect the sun's rays.

Proponents say they could be a rapid response to rising global temperatures but environmentalists argue they are a distraction from the need to reduce man-made carbon emissions.

Critics also point to a lack of solid research into unintended consequences and the absence of any international governance structure for such projects, whose effects could transcend national borders.

A small geoengineering experiment in the UK was recently abandoned due to a dispute over attempts by some of the team involved to patent the technology.

In this new study scientists from Germany, Norway, France and the UK used four different computer models that mimic the earth's climate to see how they responded to increased levels of carbon dioxide coupled with reduced radiation from the sun.

Their scenario assumed a world with four times the carbon dioxide concentration of the preindustrial world, which lead author Hauke Schmidt says is at the upper end, but in the range of what is considered possible at the end of this century.

They found that global rainfall was reduced by about 5 percent on average using all four models.

"Climate engineering cannot be seen as a substitute for a policy pathway of mitigating climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions," they said in the study, published in Earth System Dynamics, an open access journal of the European Geosciences Union.

Under the scenario studied, rainfall diminished by about 15 percent, or about 100 millimeters per year, compared to pre-industrial levels, in large areas of North America and northern Eurasia.

Over central South America, all the models showed a decrease in rainfall that reached more than 20 percent in parts of the Amazon region.

(Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Men heeft je letterlijk blaasjes wijsgemaakt. Warme lucht.

Citeer eens al die "men" aub.
En waaruit heb jij je blaasjes ?  ;)
« Laatst bewerkt op: zondag 26 augustus 2012 - 00:17:51 door Michel »
Geen land ter wereld is rijk genoeg om zich de weelde van slechte wegen te kunnen veroorloven
© Koning Willem I


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Re: Geoengineering op grote schaal/andere middelen, waar zijn ze mee bezig ?
« Reactie #31 Gepost op: zondag 26 augustus 2012 - 01:30:09 »
Lees jij de bronreferenties van wat je hierop plaatst?

Ik pakte er 1 artikel uit, kan je op zich nog betrouwen, en daar staat plots iets heel wat anders in over 9/11 em het effect op het weer :)

Offline Michel

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Re: Geoengineering op grote schaal/andere middelen, waar zijn ze mee bezig ?
« Reactie #32 Gepost op: zondag 26 augustus 2012 - 14:29:59 »
Hier een mooie discussie, goed te volgen op basis van refertes:
Geen land ter wereld is rijk genoeg om zich de weelde van slechte wegen te kunnen veroorloven
© Koning Willem I

Offline Michel

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Re: Geoengineering op grote schaal/andere middelen, waar zijn ze mee bezig ?
« Reactie #33 Gepost op: vrijdag 19 oktober 2012 - 21:02:09 »

Geo-engineering is het bewust ingrijpen in het functioneren van de aarde, tegenwoordig is hierbij veelal het doel klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Het betreft ingrijpende maatregelen die direct effect hebben op grootschalige systemen.

Weer eentje serieus "betrapt":

World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules

Controversial US businessman's iron fertilisation off west coast of Canada contravenes two UN conventions

A controversial American businessman dumped around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean as part of a geoengineering scheme off the west coast of Canada in July, a Guardian investigation can reveal.

Lawyers, environmentalists and civil society groups are calling it a "blatant violation" of two international moratoria and the news is likely to spark outrage at a United Nations environmental summit taking place in India this week.

Satellite images appear to confirm the claim by Californian Russ George that the iron has spawned an artificial plankton bloom as large as 10,000 square kilometres. The intention is for the plankton to absorb carbon dioxide and then sink to the ocean bed – a geoengineering technique known as ocean fertilisation that he hopes will net lucrative carbon credits.

George is the former chief executive of Planktos Inc, whose previous failed efforts to conduct large-scale commercial dumps near the Galapagos and Canary Islands led to his vessels being barred from ports by the Spanish and Ecuadorean governments. The US Environmental Protection Agency warned him that flying a US flag for his Galapagos project would violate US laws, and his activities are credited in part to the passing of international moratoria at the United Nations limiting ocean fertilisation experiments

Scientists are debating whether iron fertilisation can lock carbon into the deep ocean over the long term, and have raised concerns that it can irreparably harm ocean ecosystems, produce toxic tides and lifeless waters, and worsen ocean acidification and global warming.

Laatste update hierover vanuit Canada:  als geen specifieke wet het verbiedt mag je zomaar alles en nog wat met tonnen lossen - buiten 200 nM economische zone - ?  wtf  ??? :o  En in de atmosfeer xx km boven de aarde mag men ook alles ?


Ocean fertilization: 'Rogue climate hacker' Russ George raises storm of controversy
 By Margaret Munro, Postmedia News October 19, 2012 11:03 AM


George is the kind of can-do entrepreneur - or "rouge climate hacker" as he was described this past week - that makes some worry about unauthorized experiments putting the planet at risk.

It's the ocean this time, and the experiment will likely do no serious damage, says Ken Denman, an oceanographer at the University of Victoria. Next time, he says, it could be some multimillionaire or "rogue" country shooting sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere to block incoming solar radiation in a bid to slow global warming.

"That's the big worry," says Denman, a former Fisheries and Oceans Canada scientist who has spent years working on international efforts to better protect the global atmosphere and oceans.

Environment Canada's Enforcement Branch is investigating George's B.C. experiment, which scattered 100 tonnes of iron in waters off the windswept islands of Haida Gwaii.

But Denman notes that the iron was scattered outside the 200-mile exclusive economic zone, where Canada has no jurisdiction.

And while critics call George's experiment a "blatant violation" of international agreements, Denman says the regulations "have no teeth." The London Convention permits "legitimate scientific research" and that is open to broad interpretation.

John Disney, CEO of the Haida Salmon Restoration Corp. that's running the experiment, says several federal departments, including Environment Canada and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, were aware of the experiment long before the iron was scattered into the sea in July spawning what is said to be a huge plankton bloom covering as many as 10,000 square kilometres.

And he insists the experiment does not violate Canadian laws or international conventions. "We consulted three sets of lawyers," says Disney.

George, the chief scientist on the project, was not available for an interview. "He's sitting under a mountain of data," says Disney, who was fielding media queries.

He describes George is "an absolute genius" who know how to get things done.

George is also considered a "rouge climate hacker," as Britain's New Scientist put it this week, who has been running questionable projects for years.

George's California company, Planktos Corp., backed by Vancouver financier Nelson Skalbania, tried to scatter tonnes of iron dust into the water near the Galapagos Islands in 2007 in the first attempt to make money from ocean fertilization
. ...]

Voor diegene die het interesseert...

Hack the Planet: Science’s Best Hope – or Worst Nightmare – for Averting Climate Catastrophe.

Mar 24, 2010

Geoengineering: hacking the climate

While humans have unintentionally been altering Earth’s climate for centuries, some scientists have begun to study how to intentionally hack the globe to cool the overheated planet.

Eli Kintisch’s new book, Hack the Planet, provides a thorough and nuanced portrait of the development of geoengineering. Through long acquaintance with the field’s biggest names, Kintisch, a staff writer for Science, paints a deep sociological portrait of a radical new scientific discipline bursting messily into the world.

Read the entire interview in Wired. Also read “Climate Hackers Want to Write Their Own Rules” in Wired.

Read the Royal Society report “Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty” (PDF). Also check out the classic military study “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″ (PDF).
« Laatst bewerkt op: vrijdag 19 oktober 2012 - 21:57:13 door Michel »
Geen land ter wereld is rijk genoeg om zich de weelde van slechte wegen te kunnen veroorloven
© Koning Willem I