Auteur Topic: Vrouw haalt na 86 jaar opnieuw haar rijbewijs  (gelezen 899 keer)

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Vrouw haalt na 86 jaar opnieuw haar rijbewijs
« Gepost op: dinsdag 29 januari 2013 - 09:42:29 »
Op haar 105 even haar rijbewijs terug gedaan om te bewijzen dat ze het nog kan.

There apparently isn’t much that can slow down Edythe Kirchmaier. The 105-year-old California resident made headlines on Monday when she passed her driving test – continuing 86 years without a blemish on her driving record and maintaining her status as the state's oldest living driver.
"I just couldn't imagine myself without a car," Kirchmaier told "It just didn't feel very good."
And that’s far from the only bit of notoriety to crop up recently in Kirchmaier’s life. Facebook has declared her its most senior user, she's the University of Chicago's oldest living former student, last week she appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show to celebrate her birthday and she has been a volunteer with the Direct Relief International (DRI) organization for 40 years.

Kirchmaier reportedly drives herself to DRI each week, where she leads a team of volunteers.
"I think I’m a pretty good driver," Kirchmaier told Fox. "I feel safe about getting my driver's license renewed because I’ve never had an accident."
Het kan vriezen, het kan dooien, maar als je op je bek gaat, zijn ze te laat met strooien

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Re: Vrouw haalt na 86 jaar opnieuw haar rijbewijs
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: vrijdag 15 februari 2013 - 14:58:44 »
wel dat heeft ze goed gedaan!